Roofing delays can happen unexpectedly during a roof replacement project and often increase your overall costs. These are unavoidable even when you work with a trusted roofing contractor. The best way to deal with delays is to take precautions and prepare yourself in the best way possible. It also helps to be familiar with some of the causes behind them so that you’ll take the best course of action in case it happens to you during the roof replacement process.

Roof Replacement Delays

The Usual Causes

Bad weather is usually one of the most common causes of roofing delays. Even if it’s a drizzle, it can often happen unexpectedly and the roofers will have no choice but to wait it out before they proceed. Rain, for instance, can delay your roof deck installation because it needs to be dry before applying the other roofing layers. Otherwise, they won’t be adhered to or installed properly due to the moisture which can also get trapped and cause problems to your roofing system down the road.

Additional and unexpected issues can also easily delay your roofing project. When the old material is stripped off, it gets a thorough inspection by your roofing contractor. They’ll know where to look for any additional issues. These can cause delays especially if some issues were found because they need to make the necessary repairs before installing the new materials.

How to Avoid Roofing Delays

Although some causes behind roofing delays are beyond your control, other types of delays can still be avoided. Of course, you still need to take the right precautions to ensure your roofing gets done on time. Here’s what we suggest you can do:

  • Apply for permits in advance. Most roofing projects require building permits before any work can begin. Normally, your hired contractor takes care of this by securing one from the local licensing office, but it may take a while. This should be done before the construction starts to ensure you won’t encounter any issues throughout the replacement process.

  • Check the weather forecast. It’s always better to work on a project when the conditions are ideal. When the weather’s favorable, it’s easier to ensure quality control and workmanship. When scheduling your roofing project with your contractor, be sure to keep the local weather in mind.

When it comes to reliable roofing and vinyl siding services, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the experienced team of Premier Systems Roofing. Call (605) 361-4955, or fill out our convenient contact form to get started!